Sunday, June 18, 2006


I would like to see if I could put a picture here.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Countering America's 10 Most Destructive & Dangerous Enemies Within & Without

Our enemies want to bury us, to destroy us, to attack us like they did on 9/11. They hate us for our decadence, number one. Number two, they hate us for our Christian principles and practices, which our many enemies within also seek to destroy. We have many enemies. Some are envious. Some hate what we stand for - freedom that even allows the filth that emanates from those who attach or assume no responsibility to their freedom. Those who take their freedom as a license to do whatever, whenever, to whomever. . . is ultimate narcissism. Anything and everything goes as long as I make a profit, it doesn’t matter who I hurt.

List of America's Top Ten Most Dangerous & Destructive Enemies Within and Without:

1. Islamo-terrorists including but not limited to Osama Bin Laden

2. The ACLU and their cadre of comrade counselors who are real-life grinches stealing everything sacred and American from Christmas to the Boy Scouts to the mere display of the Ten Commandment or the mere recitation of the pledge of allegiance . . . they now cry tear down the cross in California city park honoring our Veterans [ ]

3. George Soros, Adriana Huffington, Michael Moore and other financiers and purveyors of lies

4. Soft and Hard-core peddlers of pornographers and indecency who exploit women and men and their weaknesses for fun and profit: the Howard Sterns, the Jerry Springers the Hugh Heffners and the Hustler guy whatever his name is. . .

5. Hollywood and its passion for passion and violence and exploitation and perversion and pornography.

6. The moneyed and mighty influential powers behind the campaign to market the lie to the masses that homosexuality is a legitimate alternative lifestyle.

7. Planned Parenthood, abortion doctors of death, and the entire abortion industry which make money by executing innocent babies and destroying the lives of women.

8. Greedy capitalists like Ken Lay and those running sellout Wal-Mart executives, who will deal with the devil (China) if it will help them cut costs and make a greater profit.

9. Religious leaders who profane the name of Jesus Christ and God by taking immoral stands such as placing active homosexuals in leadership positions, or turning the other way when their trusted clerics molest children.

10. Sellout, unprincipled politicians who say anything to get elected and then team up with one or more of the above to push their own personal agendas and portfolios.

Just to name a few on America’s enemy list, mostly they are within our own country. Let’s repent of our decadence and restore morality to our society by electing politicians who will uphold the truth and decency, where there is a woeful lack at the moment. Also, let each of use set and be an example of what is good and legitimate about America. Let’s do all we can to destroy Islamo-terrorists and all those who aide and abet them in this Country and to seek out and purge those who would destroy our moral fiber whoever and wherever they may be found. Again let’s elect lawmakers and not lawbreakers to be our representatives who can help us to do this!!!!

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